Grain Bin Rescue Equipment
Helping to Ensure Another Farmer Doesn't Become a Statistic
The Great Wall of Rescue was designed to adapt to a multitude of grain entrapment rescue scenarios. The lightweight wall sections are easily maneuvered and can be aligned to form a wall, a tube, or other irregular shape around the entrapped victim. Once inserted around the victim, The Great Wall of Rescue will stop the flow of stored/free-flowing grain towards the victim and block any additional pressure that may be created from rescuers. At this point rescuers will be able to start removing the grain around the victim, inside the tube. By having the Great Wall of Rescue system readily available, the chances of a successful grain entrapment rescue and the victim's survival are significantly enhanced.

Designed with a purpose...
To Help Save Lives
Adaptability: It can be used in a multitude of grain entrapment rescue scenarios.
Lightweight: The wall sections are easy to maneuver, making the rescue process efficient.
Versatility: The wall sections can be aligned to form a wall, a tube, or other irregular shapes as needed around the entrapped victim.
Grain Flow Control: The wall stops the flow of stored/free-flowing grain towards the victim, reducing the risk of further entrapment.
Pressure Blocking: The wall also blocks any additional pressure that may be created from rescuers during the rescue operation.
Improved Rescue Process: The wall enables rescuers to start removing the grain around the victim safely from inside the tube.
Increased Chances of Survival: Having The Great Wall of Rescue system readily available significantly enhances the chances of a successful grain entrapment rescue and the victim's survival.
Who is The Great Wall of Rescue for?
Grain Elevator Operators // Fire & Rescue Teams // Grain Farmers // Seed Companies // Anyone looking to be prepared when the potential danger becomes a dreaded reality.
How Does the Great Wall of Rescue Work?

Inspect the Great Wall of Rescue panels for flaws or defects that may jeopardize performance.

Inserting Panels
Use the step to press panels down, alternating across from each other. Continue pressing alternating panels into grain, one at a time, across from each other. This back and forth strategy helps the tube go in straight and even.

Assess the Situation
Identify obstacles, required number of panels, and locate victim extremities to prevent injuries.

Bailing Grain
Continue bailing grain and pressing panels down until victim is freed. When enough grain is removed from around the victim, a step may be placed inside of the rescue tube to help a conscious victim climb out or rescuer climb in.

Begin Placing Panels
Place the first panel in front of the victim, press down 12”-24” into the grain, and connect subsequent panels.

Remove Panels
When rescue is finished, panels can be removed using removal pipe. Place pipe through handhold of one panel and use as lever to pry panels up and out of the grain. Use caution when pulling panels out to not lose footing.
Grain Rescue Panel Options
Mill Finish

TuffKote Finish

The Great Wall of Rescue - Support Videos
Great Wall of Rescue...In the News
This section highlights instances where the Great Wall of Rescue panels have been used during emergencies. While we would prefer not to be in the news for these situations, we're proud to share that many rescue teams have found success with our Great Wall of Rescue panels, helping save lives and livestock during grain bin entrapments. These stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our rescue solutions in real-world scenarios.
For more Great Wall of Rescue news, be sure to follow us on Facebook